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An RFID tag or card is an object that can be attached or inserted into a product, animal or even human for the purpose of identification using radio waves . An RFID label contains information that is stored electronically and can be read up to several meters away. RFID reader systems do not require direct contact like reader systems.

An RFID tag can be affixed to an object and used to track and manage inventory, assets , people, and more. For example, labels RFID can be affixed to cars, appliances computers , books, cell phones , and others.

RFID offers advantages over manual systems or the use of barcodes . A label can be read if it passes near the label reader, even if the reader is covered by an object or is not visible. Labels can be read in a container, carton, box or otherwise. RFID labels can read hundreds at a time, whereas barcodes can only be read one at a time.

RFID can be used in a variety of applications, such as:

  • Access Management

  • Item Tracking

  • Toll collection and payment without direct contact

  • Document reader running

  • Identity tracking to verify authenticity.

  • Baggage tracking at the airport


UHF RFID Stickers


HF 13.56Mhz RFID Sticker


LF 125Khz RFID Sticker


NFC Sticker / RFID TAG

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